Best rated Dubai city stable with HM Equestrian Private Club

Quality horse riding classes in Dubai with HM Equestrian Private Club: Experience HM Equestrian Club membership that is customised to meet your level of riding passion. Our range of choices elevates your equestrian experience by providing access to varity of services. Please get in touch to receive further details of our Membership program and to join our active equestrian community. HM Equestrian Club is a prestigious equestrian destination that serves riders of all skill levels, from novices to experts. Situated in vibrant city of Dubai, we are easily accessible due to our handy proximity, our dedicated and knowledgeable staff has cemented our status as a top riding club and a popular event location. Read extra info on stables club Dubai.

Advanced riders have ventured into outdoor environments and felt the rush of free-flowing terrain. They have demonstrated a commitment to their craft by actively participating in lessons and training over the last six months, carefully honing their abilities to meet and exceed the aforementioned requirements. Please get in touch if you’re interested in trying out new rides, going to higher levels, or learning about other fields. Our dedication at HM Equestrian is to give riders safe assistance during their journey. To build well-rounded, multidisciplinary cyclists, we actively encourage riders to experiment with different riding styles and training approaches. Your journey is waiting for you; let’s get started!

10 private riding sessions specifically tailored for your child can awaken their sense of adventure. Our experienced instructors excel in creating a safe yet exciting atmosphere, catered to the unique requirements of young riders. Why Should Your Young Rider Join HM Equestrian Club? Safety First: Your child’s welfare is our first concern. You may be confident that our facilities and trainers follow the strictest safety guidelines to provide a fun and safe experience.

Similar to humans, horses have unique personalities. While some are outgoing, others are quiet. It might take some trial and error to find the perfect fit. It’s not about your skill level if your instructor suggests a different horse; compatibility is the key. The difference is significant—a harmonious connection that enhances your riding experience—when the right match is made. The equestrian experience is enhanced when one recognizes and values the uniqueness of horses.

Terrain Guidance: Does the Rider have expertise in… keeping a safe distance from other horses, navigating an indoor arena while taking lessons, and becoming an expert at passing safely? Getting used to different outdoor environments, such as riding in fenced-in circles or large open areas? Overcoming the difficulties of riding in open fields, where the thrill of independence may present a bigger test of concentration and self-control? Navigating a variety of terrains with assurance and competence, including water crossings, uphill hikes (using a forward half-seat and handing reins), and downhill descents (keeping a leaned-back stance and handing reins)?

Private Showjumping Classes: Ten sessions of special, private showjumping classes can ignite your child’s spirit of adventure. Our skilled trainers are experts at fostering an environment that is both safe and stimulating, and designed to meet the special needs of young riders. 10 Sessions of Pure Joy: Take ten sessions to fully immerse yourself in the world of riding. You will be guided through each step by our knowledgeable instructors, who will make sure you develop your confidence and skills at your own pace. Enjoy the companionship of a small group setting in our special facility.

Come join us for our energising weekly yoga sessions and lose yourself in peace. Regardless of your level of experience, our knowledgeable instructors foster a calm environment that supports you in discovering equilibrium and inner serenity within the horse environment. Enjoy an enhanced experience while a committed individual takes care of your refreshment requirements and serves you delicious soft drinks, making sure that your stay with us is both enriching and wonderfully refreshing. Read even more information on