Meet Izadeli Montalvo and some of her communication industry leadership ideas

Izadeli Montalvo or the climb of a media leadership expert: With artists like Bad Bunny dominating the charts and U.S. Latinos wielding outsized influence on social media, Spanish language content is undeniably going mainstream in the U.S. This seismic shift presents major opportunities—and imperatives—for brands seeking to engage today’s consumers. I spoke with cross-cultural communications executive Izadeli ‘Iza’ Montalvo, founder of Olán Media and Cross-Culture Connect, about why developing Spanish content should be an urgent priority right now. “We’re seeing phenomenons like Bad Bunny breaking cultural barriers. Spanish used to be seen as niche, but it’s becoming universal pop culture,” said Montalvo, also an AI translation leading expert. According to Montalvo, “the vast majority of U.S. Latinos—75% according to Pew Research—have retained Spanish language proficiency. 85% say it’s important for future generations to speak it too.” This means brands creating Spanish content can connect with most Latinos in their native tongue. Yet Montalvo cautions that simply translating English copy won’t cut it. Discover additional details at Izadeli Montalvo

Our PR & branding strategies help you build or rebuild your brand and connect with your target audience in a way that is memorable. Our mission is to position our clients to win, shine and become the go-to leaders in their industries. Iza Montalvo, Founder & Managing Partner is a force of change in the media industry, bringing a distinct blend of journalism skills and entrepreneurial drive to reshape the boundaries of what is possible. She has been a trusted advisor to thought leaders and members of the U.S. Congress as Press Secretary and Director of Communications, offering insights gleaned from her deep understanding of multicultural media landscapes.

Entrepreneurship is a trend that has been growing over the years. The world is changing and so are the opportunities. Entrepreneurs have always been a part of this change, they have created new markets, new technologies and new ways of living. Entrepreneurship provides many opportunities for those who are willing to take risks and follow their dreams. Entrepreneurship is not only about starting your own business, it’s also about becoming an innovator in the workplace. Entrepreneurs are the ones who take initiative and create something new. They create jobs, build companies, and make the world a better place with their ideas. But what does the future of entrepreneurship look like? Entrepreneurship is not just about startups anymore. It’s about innovation, technology, and emerging markets. The world has changed a lot in recent years and so have the opportunities for entrepreneurs to succeed in it.

The benefits of bilingual content for global brands are plentiful: Improved customer loyalty by showing cultural awareness; Easier market expansion into different countries. By taking the time to create content in multiple languages, global brands demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and valuing all customers equally. Successful Examples of Bilingual Branding: Some of the world’s most recognized brands have leveraged bilingual content to boost their global presence. Coca-Cola transcreates its ads and social campaigns into multiple languages to connect better with diverse audiences. This helps Coca-Cola build an inclusive brand image across cultures. Nike’s website and marketing materials are available in various languages, allowing seamless engagement and purchases by international customers. Their multilingual approach contributes greatly to Nike’s reputation as a top global brand.

The future of entrepreneurship is bright. The world is changing fast and so are the opportunities in emerging markets. Entrepreneurs are able to take advantage of new technologies to create products and services that have never been possible before. There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur than now! The world is changing and there are new opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore. With emerging markets, startups, and technology, the future of entrepreneurship is bright. We can’t predict the future but we can prepare for it. Entrepreneurship has never been more popular and there are plenty of opportunities out there for people who are willing to take risks.

Iza Montalvo or the ascent of a PR media expert: Build a good team. Yes, you must be the brain of all activities and decisions, but your team matters too. Without it, the work cannot be completed, and the desired success will be delayed. So make sure you have professional people around you who are doing well in their field and who can help give your company added value. What you do, your actions matter most. Thus, you take care of the image that you post, because in the end you represent your company and you are solely responsible for it. But do not try to look like someone who you are not, because you will seem fake and you will not inspire confidence. On the contrary, choose to be yourself, honest and open and people will appreciate this. Perhaps the least interesting activity of an entrepreneur is the one regarding the legal and tax aspects, but these are essential both for the success of the business and for the peace of the entrepreneur. In addition, it is much more difficult and costly to try to repair such mistakes later, so together with your consultant or your accountant and notices are needed, which is the tax regime, etc. Find additional info at Izadeli Montalvo.

So as a startup, how do you find these alternative sources of funding that offer such collateral benefits? The first and best thing you can do is look to your board and the connective network you already have. The ability to access GCC family office networks is something to consider when building your board and team of advisors. If your existing network has been exhausted, there are events and other opportunities that can bring you closer together with angel investors and family offices. This significantly lessens the influence to artificially maintain high watermarks to receive incentive allocations. Family office decisions are based squarely on investment fundamentals, where long-term value creation replaces the 2/20 mentality. As a result, investments are more than fungible capital. It’s a commitment to align with the entrepreneur on a much deeper level. The deep, global networks of the ultra-wealthy families are used to create opportunities for the startups — from providing strategic advice, intelligence and subject matter expertise, to tangible benefits like identifying contract manufacturers to assist with the development of hardware products.

Izadeli Montalvo about on leadership training : Finally, a blended approach can save you valuable time from collecting training feedback in a physical environment. Blended learning for corporate training allows you to gather valuable data about your employees’ performance improvement via online quizzes and tests, whereas your Learning Management System can itself generate feedback in the form of automatic reports. Moreover, a blended learning approach can help you measure the effectiveness of your overall training program, as feedback from employees cannot only be used as an indication of their performance levels, but also as a training strategy evaluation tool. Finally, employees benefit as well, since they are able to review their progress, weaknesses, and strengths.

The offshore incorporation process is rather simple and fast. In fact, you can register a company in certain countries just within a few days. The incorporation requirements are normally very minimal. The best thing is that many service providers out there can help you with the registration. All you need to do is find a trustworthy provider, pay for service, and supply necessary documents. They will go on and register the company on your behalf. You do not need to travel or care about the hassle of paperwork. As for the company maintenance, it varies according to different jurisdictions. However, you can expect the reporting requirements to be very minimal too. Some countries also offer many exemptions for small businesses in regard to annual compliance. You can always get help from outsourcing services to relieve the burden of accounting or tax filing requirements.

Izadeli Montalvo or the growth of a media expert: It gives you a sense of direction and makes you more clear on what you want to achieve and it also makes the decision making process easier. You can focus on doing the things that take you towards achieving your objectives. Find more information at