Quality handcrafted natural crystal products online producer

Crystal jewelry online shopping 2023: We believe that there is a magnetic field in everything that everyone carries and gets along with. We cooperate with many famous Tarot card masters, Feng shui masters and divination masters to make life crystal decorations that match your magnetic field according to the month, horoscope and your birthday. At the lucinacrystal store, we hope to help you attract the right energy through our energetic crystals to highlight the richness of life. Through these powerful objects, a life of healing, protection, love and abundance will be drawn to you. Discover more details on crystal advent calendar.

You can ‘programme’ your jewellery for specific purposes or particular uses by holding them immediately (after cleansing) in a gentle meditation and wishing (or willing) your purpose into the stone. Thoughts have power! I ask this stone for its specific help in healing my body or maybe I dedicate this stone for the love and wellbeing of my body, or whatever positive purpose you wish! Some people like to leave their crystal jewellery (as they would their healing crystals) out in the moonlight or sunlight to ‘re-charge’ them. Be careful to ensure that they are safe from theft! If you work with a healing system such as Reiki you can even use your symbols over the jewellery to cleanse and clear them ready for use!

Tourmalines are common in many colors across Brazil, but the Paraiba tourmalines are the only stones with a bright turquoise hue, thanks to their copper content. The very rare gems were discovered in 1987 by determined miner Heitor Dimas Barbosa, who had been driven by a belief that something special lurked under the hills of the Brazilian state of Paraiba. Barbosa was right, and after years of fruitless digging, he finally unearthed a tourmaline of unrivaled neon blue that set the gem market alight. The extremely rare stone (only one stone is mined for every 10,000 diamonds) then became intensely sought-after. In 2003 very similar turquoise-colored tourmalines were found at mines in the mountains of Nigeria and Mozambique, although some say they are not quite as striking as the Paraiba tourmaline.

Cane – Color rods wrapped around each other creating unique color patterns. (see Millefiori) Certified Genuine Sea Glass – Sea glass that has been rated on the following values, rarity, color and quality. Certified sea glass also defines the possible original source for the sea glass, the area it was collected and the color. Each piece of our sea glass comes with the most complete certification our 25 years of collecting can include. The term “Certified Genuine Sea Glass is a proprietary term of By The Sea Jewelry. This certification is valuable when presenting our sea glass jewelry as a gift.

Jewelry is a wearable item/gift that is also sentimental: Practically anything can be given as a gift. If it is needed, wanted, or will make someone happy, it is a great gift, whatever it may be. Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that some gifts are more sentimental than others. There is simply something about jewelry that makes it sentimental. Perhaps it is because some jewelry pieces represent very monumental periods in people’s lives such as engagements, weddings, births and graduations. Regardless, one thing is for certain: jewelry is a wearable item that is not just useful and pretty, but sentimental as well.

In summary of the meaning and benefits, Turquoise is a cleansing stone everyone must have in life. It efficaciously alleviates negative vibes and safeguards everyone, from contaminant and deleterious external influences. It also guarantees that every single day is stress-free. On the other hand, turquoise helps individuals be more virtuous by opening their souls and emptying their minds. It acts as a divine balm for the heart and mind, dramatically harming emotional scars and mental anguish. Lastly, turquoise’s potent energies assist in the eradication of extreme tiredness, and they can help tremendously for those experiencing depression or who are vulnerable to panic attacks. Turquoise also promotes self-realization and assists anyone trying to achieve their goals in all aspects of life. See even more information on https://lucinacrystal.com/.