Get to know MaryAnn Holder and some of her supply chain business networks opinions

Supply chain business networks guides today with MaryAnn Holder-Browne: If we need to find ideas on how to engage all these different audience members especially as technology and people evolve, do you look at other industries and see what they’re doing? That’s a good question because we’re evolving so fast. The landscape is changing really quickly. I think people’s consumption is changing very quickly. We look at a lot of different factors. We’re increasingly a social media world and is very heavily influenced by social media, the characters, and the stars and the tenants of that generation that has been raised on a social media platform. It’s multi-generational so we’re we’re consuming things in smaller sound bytes but that doesn’t mean that the smaller sound bytes can’t something very very applicable and really relevant to what your needs are. We look at the social media world. We look at the music world. We look at the fashion world. B2B, oftentimes, we might get stuck in sort of an ivory tower. But, if you look beyond that into the B2C world how consumers are consuming in the consumer market, it really leads in terms of what the next generation of B2B is going to adopt. You can call it a bullwhip effect. Discover additional information on

Mary Ann Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network platform, The Real Time Value Network. From inbound supply to outbound order fulfillment and logistics, optimize and automate across your entire supply network and every trading partner. The NEO Platform’s intelligent agent technology delivers predictive and prescriptive analytics with real time information to help you lead your industry – for the highest services levels and product quality at lowest cost.

But before applying the technology to logistic processes, let’s first start by understanding the function of blockchain. Blockchain is a shared, tamper-resistant digital ledger that provides a near real-time record of things such as transactions, records of ownership, locations, values, state of goods, etc. The ledger is shared among parties which brings transparency to the supply chain, because everyone is equally informed about things like the location, carrier, condition, and documentation relating to a shipment. Smart contracts can further automate many transactions based on other transactions, such as triggering a change in ownership titles when a payment is made.

MaryAnn Holder on One Network’s Intelligent Control Tower: The Supply Chain Control Tower Value Matrix 2020 from Nucleus Research, provides a snapshot of the market based on how vendors are delivering value to customers through the usability and functionality of their software. Fill out the form on the right to download your complimentary copy of the Control Towers Value Matrix for 2020, and learn what control towers are, how they are transforming supply chains, and what they can do to boost visibility, efficiency and automation in your supply chain. Discover extra information at MaryAnn Holder.

One Network Enterprises, a global provider of secure, multi-party business networks that enable autonomous supply chain management, announced that Nucleus Research, a global provider of investigative, case-based technology research and advisory services, has positioned One Network as a leader in its 2019 Technology Inventory Optimization Value Matrix for the second consecutive year. One Network’s Real Time Value Network™ (RTVN) was acknowledged for delivering a suite of application modules that allow customers to answer their end-to-end supply chain needs, including supply planning, demand planning, sales and operations planning, global logistics management, outbound fulfillment, and inbound logistics management. MaryAnn Holder-Browne, Chief Marketing Officer of One Network: “We are thrilled to once again be recognized by Nucleus Research”.

This year is the first time Gartner has published a report on multienterprise supply chain solutions. The report stated,”Networks are not new, but with companies focusing more on having end-to-end (E2E) processes include their external trading partners, these networks are increasing in importance and value. Collecting data and sensing signals in real time, and then coordinating, executing, and resolving issues quickly, will allow companies to operate their supply chains more effectively.”