Top B2C lead generation experts and methods by Viplove Bhojwani

Excellent B2C sales experts and methods from Viplove Bhojwani: Marketing: Social platforms are great for traditional marketing departments like advertising and PR, but you can always find newer ways to engage your audience via social. Everything from product launches to conferences and holiday campaigns can be run successful on social. Sales: Social media can be used to find real prospects, assist them in their purchase journey and acquire customers. That’s why social selling is now quite the popular term. By connecting your sales personnel with the right social media content, you could empower them to shatter their quotas. Human Resources: LinkedIn was originally known for being the ‘online resume’, that job candidates could use to get hired and businesses could use to fill positions. Today, recruiters also use Facebook and Twitter to share job postings and find the right hirees. Discover many more info on Viplove Bhojwani.

There are many strategies to consider, with these three among the most effective: Use Social Media to Your Advantage! With the right social media marketing strategy, it won’t be long before you find others linking to your website and blog on a more regular basis. Your goal is to form relationships with people who are interested in your company and what you have to say. Maybe you have a product or service geared towards college career departments. Use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to connect with people in this space, such as career advisors. You don’t have to “hard sell” them. All you’re trying to do is forge a relationship. So follow them on Twitter, Like their Facebook page, connect with them on LinkedIn.Over time, as you become more comfortable with one another, they may become more willing to hear you out and share your valuable content and views, often via a link to your website.

Viplove Bhojwani has a diverse work experience in various roles and companies. They started their career at ERPINNEWS in 2014 as a Digital Marketing Manager, where they worked until January 2019. During their time there, they were also appointed as the Head of Content & Marketing, where they were responsible for developing digital strategies, managing the website, and improving the brand image. They utilized their expertise in SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.

Overcoming the “Magic Bullet” Mentality – One of the most significant mistakes businesses make is treating LinkedIn Sales Navigator as a magical solution that guarantees success on its own. It’s important to recognize that it is just one piece of the puzzle and should be complemented by other data sources and strategies. By avoiding the trap of relying solely on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, businesses can achieve a more holistic and effective approach to B2C data strategies.

In 2016, Viplove Bhojwani joined MarketSquads as the Director of Sales and Business Development. They held this position until October 2020 when they became the Chief Executive Officer. They are currently still employed at MarketSquads. Additionally, in 2020, Viplove Bhojwani became a Business Partner (EMEA) at Experiment 27: Marketing for Mobile App Development Agencies. With their experience in digital marketing, sales, and business development, Viplove has acquired a diverse skill set that positions them well for future career opportunities.

Viplove Bhojwani obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with a specialization in Marketing from Harvard Business School, where they studied from 2013 to 2015. They then acquired additional certifications and education from various institutions. In 2017, Viplove attended the HubSpot Academy and received a certification in Inbound Marketing. They also obtained the Content Marketing Certified certification from the same institution.

In the same year, Viplove Bhojwani completed a course in Email Marketing from the HubSpot Academy. Additionally, Viplove acquired several certifications from different online platforms. In 2019 and 2020, they earned certifications such as Learn LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Jonah Berger on Viral Marketing from LinkedIn, as well as Time Management Fundamentals and Professional Networking from They also obtained various certifications in digital marketing, including Google Analytics and advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn. Viplove’s education history demonstrates a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional development in the field of marketing.

A Learning Curve? More Like a Learning Slide! Getting started with ChatGPT is about as easy as falling off a log. And, unlike the log, you won’t end up with any bruises. The interface is intuitive, and ChatGPT learns as it interacts with you. It’s like having a conversation with a particularly good listener – except this one doesn’t interrupt with random stories about their aunt’s cousin’s dog. So, it’s Perfect? Hold your horses! It’s great, but let’s not crown it king just yet. Like any AI, ChatGPT isn’t infallible. It might occasionally throw in a clunker or misinterpret your request. But hey, who doesn’t make mistakes? The important thing is that it’s a learning tool – every misstep is a step towards better accuracy.