Top rated Nepal holiday attractions and helicopter transportation providers

Nepal holiday destinations and helicopter flights solutions right now: Mount Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour with landing flight is the most exciting and fascinating lifetime trip in Nepal Himalayas. It provides the closest view of Mount Everest and surrounding Himalayas in a nice morning from Kathmandu. Free cancellation before 24 hours, booking open for 2023 and 2024, reserve now pay later. Everest base camp helicopter tour price is best if you book directly with us. Nearly all seasons one can enjoy the helicopter landing tour at Everest base camp, except the monsoon wet times of mid-June to August. The best time is in spring from March to May, when morning till mid-day is clear and fine for views. The afternoon can be quite windy around higher elevations and much cold with an extra wind-chill factor. Find even more information at

Manaslu region trekking is one of the hidden gem in the central north part of Nepal. Manaslu towering at 8167m the 8th highest peak of the world is conquered by few and acclaimed as one of the most dangerous 8000er peak. The Manaslu region trekking gives you an opportunity to walk through one of the most varied landscape due to it’s wide altitude variation. The trek starts from Arughat which is at mere 500m and goes to the elevation of Larkya pass at 5143m. You experience the sub tropical climate to the high mountain climate in one trek. At the end of your trek you also traverse through the section of Annapurna circuit trek making it an ace. The journey is full of scenic locations, beautiful villages, rich Tibetan influenced culture and amazing mountain views. The Manaslu region trek can be done directly through the Larkya or visiting the isolated and sacred villages of Tsum valley. It requires a special permit to get in this region which is still far away from the modern civilization. We can see the Buddhist monasteries, Mani walls, prayer flags all along our way. The region is attracting more visitors in recent years. However, the authenticity and the unmatchable panorama is still intact which the visitors get to see still today. Manaslu region trek is certainly a great way to see diverse Nepal and soak in it’s pure form.

A slow pace is critical: Slow and Steady. When taking on a challenge like hiking to Everest Base Camp, or any long trek/climb, you have to remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint. Acclimatization to the low levels of oxygen in the mountains requires you to take your time, to slowly get your body used to lack of oxygen. All the research suggests, spending more time at 3,500m/ 11,500ft. So we spend 3 nights acclimatizing in Namche Bazaar. This is absolutely key to your success in the mountains. There is never a time on the trek where you should need to walk at a fast pace, you should only be walking at a pace that you can carry on a conversation with others, without feeling too much exertion physically. Obviously, there are tougher sections throughout the trek where you may need to stop talking and catch your breath, however you always want to try and keep your pace to a snail’s pace, not a rabbit’s! More acclimatization means a safer and more enjoyable trekking experience.

Everest region trekking area is protected under the Sagarmatha National Park. The northern part of the district (Khumbu) is encompassed in the Everest National Park, which was established to protect the fragile environment of the alpine region. Likewise the region is close to Makalu-Barun National Park in eastern part. This national park is remote and wild stretch of mountain peaks and deep densely forested valleys. To the west is the Rolwaling valley, a well-protected microcosm of cultures and ecology. The southern part of the district, Solu is much less frequented by tourist and be a very rewarding destination in its own right. Besides the Mount Everest there are other 8,000 meter peaks in the region. Lhotse, Cho Oyu and Makalu and in addition numerous other peaks lesser altitude but no less stunning. Add to this glacial lakes rhododendron forest, native flora and fauna, traditional villages and ancient Buddhist monasteries, all go to make this region a spectacular destination.

Buy Gear in Kathmandu – Kathmandu has more trekking shops then you can count and intense competition means you can get great prices on gear you might not be able to afford at home. I bought my wife a great down jacket for around $50 that would have cost over $300 in the US. At first glance a lot of the gear looks similar but quality varies quite a bit and it’s not necessarily related to price (Here’s what to look for). If you like we can arrange for one of the team from Himalayanwonders to accompany you while you shop and help you find what you need.

Set on a hilltop to the west of Kathmandu, Swayambhunath is the second most important shrine in the Kathmandu Valley after Boudhanath. Due to the resident monkeys that inhabit parts of the temple, it is more affectionately known as the Monkey Temple. The Swayambhu Stupa, painted with the eyes of the omnipresent god, forms the centerpiece of the temple complex. It was originally a prehistoric cult site, but the temple complex dates to the 5th century. Swayambhu plays a major part in the lives of the Vajrayana Buddhists of Northern Nepal and Tibet, but especially of the Newari Buddhists of the Kathmandu Valley.

Bring your own tea. Tea is very expensive on Everest and it is cheaper to buy hot water and use your own tea bags. Bring a variety of teas as well for more enjoyment. Discover extra information on

Annapurna region is very famous trekking destination in Nepal lies to the west of Kathmandu. The trekking region is famous for easy to challenging trekking with close-up views of mountains and cultural experiences. Trekking in Annapurna region is very famous for short and easy hiking, panoramic mountain views and experience the local lifestyle. Annapurna region offers the best trekking packages such as Annapurna Circuit trek, Annapurna Base Camp trek, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Mardi Himal Trek, Jomsom Muktinath trekking and Upper Mustang trekking in Nepal.